Volete sapere dove assaggiarlo e come farlo?
Il 26 febbraio, sabato, alle ore 20,00 a divinarte (Mentana, Roma) ci sarà l'evento (gratuito) "altro che pane!" Si proveranno alternative al pane come lo conosciamo noi. Quindi ci sarà la piada, (e ci pensa Marco Liberati che ha 50% di origine romagnola); la tortilla, e ci pensa Angelica 100% mexicana; il لواش, (pronuncia lavash), e ci pensano Azin e Zahra 100% persiane.
Assieme alle tre alternative al pane ci saranno due/tre companatici per nazione con possibilità di contaminare il pane di un tipo col companatico dell'altro.
Marco porterà un sangiovese "tre rocche" della fattoria dei mandorli - nicolucci , arriveranno tè persiani, ecc.
Prima dello spizzico una brevissima introduzione a spiegare origini ecc dei tre pani, alle pareti lavori di artisti italiani, persiani e (speriamo) mexicani, possibilmente riferiti all'argomento.
Via Giacomo Matteotti n°3
Mentana (Roma)
(evento gratuito!!)
... continua domani con altre info...
Cercheremo di esserci, anche se di mezzo il 40esimo compleanno di una cara amica, che tra poco se ne andrà a vivere e lavorare a Dubai
RispondiEliminaHomemade bread has become the next best thing since sliced bread.
RispondiEliminaSEMINARY HILL
There was a hill top
where I used to see,
all of my life's possibilities in front of me.
Four decades later,
I returned to see
that none of it, would ever be.
The Delaware River meanders gracefully down to the sea by journeying through the magnificently forested hills of The Catskills Mountains first. A lonesome train track follows it's meanderings, also heading south to the sea. I was 14 years old when I first climbed Seminary Hill and saw this splendid sight.
There was a 30-foot statue of Jesus Christ on a cross high up on Seminary Hill. The image was ghostly against blackening skies, even more so during lightning storms. The Castle-like Seminary was spread out over the level acreage at the bottom of The Hill.
Below the Seminary, lies the Town Of Callicoon and The Delaware River. I went way out of my way on a sunny day, about 6 or 7 years ago, to return to Seminary Hill, but I never anticipated the subsequent flood of emotions that resulted from looking down that river valley... and all of those years... again.
Quite accidentally, not long after my return to Seminary Hill, a former seminarian from my class was put in touch with me, and even though we were once very close friends, I couldn't place him when we met again. He had none of the looks, characteristics, or mannerisms of the person that I once knew. He was kind enough to bring me up to date regarding fellow mates and such, but as he talked, I looked into his unfamiliar eyes and felt like I was back up on Seminary Hill, again... searching for the guy that I once knew.